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15-дневная-бхакти-йога-отступлением-индийское Vrinda Бхакти Йога Retreat в Индии Р..
15 Days Bhakti Yoga Retreat, India
21-дней-200-часовой-йога-подготовки учителей-Индия Vrinda Бхакти Индия учителей йо..
21 Days 200-Hour Yoga Teacher Training India

Vrinda Bhakti Yoga retreatCONTACT

mobile +91 7060847639 Nimai
email vrindayogacenter@gmail.com

Vrinda center is a simple spiritual sanctuary with family atmosphere, aspiring to serve and inspire love and sharing, open for everyone interested in loving harmony of the body, mind and soul
and re-descovering divine relationship in the heart



Learn about Yogic diet and how to prepare
exotic delicious Indian and oriental vegetarian preparations
Proper ayurvedic use of spices for complete well being of body mind and soul


Improve, heal, bring balance to the energies of your home
trough Vastu Sastra (original form of Feng Shui),
to correct problems and create harmonious relation
with our living areas which are aspecting differently in our lives

Vedic Astrology Consultations
Program Details

Yoga Physiology

Yogic Lifestyle

• Sattvic diet and daily life
• Ayurveda basic
• Purification kriyas basic (Shat karma - neti, shankaprakshalana)

Ashtanga Yoga

• Yoga Asanas and Benefits
• Advanced variations
• Surya Namaskar
• Mudras Bandhas
• Pranayama basic
• Deep relaxation and Yoga Nidra

Prana Pranayama Prana Vidya

• Study of Koshas (subtle bodies), Prana (life energy), Nadis (energy channels) and Pranic healing
• Swara Yoga essence (Ida, Pingala, Sushumna nadi)
• Advanced Pranayama practice


Raja Yoga

• Study of mind functions, Patanjali Yoga Sutras essence
• Introduction to various techniques and meditations (dharana dhyana)

Chakra sadhana

• Study of Chakras and Kundalini
• Chakra Meditations with visualization and sound

Nada yoga

• Meditation on sound and ragas
• Study on Mantra yoga
• Japa meditation
• Kirtan Yoga

Bhakti Yoga

• Bhagavad Gita essence
• Karma
• Prakriti (material modes of nature)
• Dharma
• Different paths of yoga (karma, jnana, ashtanga, bhakti)
• Narada Bhakti Sutras essence
• Tattva vigyan (nature of heart connection of the soul and divine)
• Rasa tattva (philosophy of divine sentiments)
• Lila katha (divine stories from Srimad Bhagavatam)
• Inspirations from various vedic scriptures and devotional poems
• Kirtan and Bhajan chanting


Daily schedule

6.00 Meditation and prayers 7.00 Asana Pranayama class 9.00 Breakfast 10.00 Morning Lecture 12.00 Free Time 13.00 Lunch 14.00 Main Lecture 16.00 Free Time 17.00 Ganga Arati 19.00 Bhakti yoga program and kirtan Course Prices Transportation from airport Accommodation and ayurvedic vegetarian meals 200hrs Yoga training course $ 2.000 USD (400$ deposit for registration prior to arrival) ​ Extra services Ayurvedic consultations, Pancakarma healing and massages Raga music and singing classes Field trips to local holy places